Buying A Boxer?
The first step is to get in touch with your local Boxer Club, so you are on the right track. We are here to help! If you need assistance in finding a reputable breeder or picking the best pup for your family, don't hesitate to email us. Even if you just have a question. We are glad to help in making the best decision for you and your family.
Our Boxer Referral Contact, Debbie Utter keeps a list of contacts for members in the Club who may currently have litters or planning a litter in the near future.

At What Age Should I Buy My Puppy?
Usually any time after 8 weeks. Many states have regulations regarding minimum age. However, your individual circumstances must be considered. Do you have the time to spend with a very young puppy? Will someone be home to housebreak the puppy? Would an exuberant 6-month old puppy overwhelm a tiny child? Or would he be better matched with a 6-year-old youngster? Remember also that a puppy under 3 months needs lots of time to rest.
While much can be told at 6 - 8 weeks about the puppy's eventual looks, keep in mind, the breeder will only be able to give you their best guess based off experience and knowledge. Some homes which are seeking a show prospect prefer to wait until the puppy is 6 - 8 months of age. However, at that age, be prepared to pay a higher price for all the additional time and effort that breeder has spent raising the show potential Boxer.
Male or Female?
This choice is a matter of personal preference. Remember, however, that if you contemplate breeding, you will need to start with the very best quality female you can find. Females make admirable pets. If breeding is not anticipated, you will want to spay your female. This operation should be done after consulting your veterinarian, and prior to the puppy reaching a year of age. This will effectively prevent your female from coming into season and attracting male dogs from miles around!
Check this list!
1. Tails: Tails should have been docked within a few days of birth.
2. Dewclaws: Optional removal of front dewclaws (fifth toes) done at the same time as the tails. The Boxer has no rear dewclaws.
3. Cropping: Cropped ears are a personal preference. Uncropped ears require less after care than cropped. Uncropped ears are also "accepted" by the Breed Standard. However, the majority of show breeders do crop the ears on a Boxer that will be showing. This procedure is done under general anesthesia, anywhere between 6 - 11 weeks of age. If the puppy is taken before cropping, the breeder usually makes arrangements unless the new owner is very familiar with the process. Breeders are there to advise regarding aftercare and taping if assistance is needed. Tapping is continued till the ears are fully erect; a process which could be lengthy. The erect, cropped ear also reduces the potential for infections and hematomas that often beset long-eared breeds.
4. Intact Males: In the male, both testicles should be descended into the scrotum. They should be in place by 2 - 3 months of age. A dog with undescended testicles will still make a fine pet, though he would be ineligible to compete in the show ring. Consult your veterinarian for advice.
5. Temperament & Health: Avoid the unusually quiet, inactive puppy, or the one that might shy away from you. This might mean a fault in temperament or even ill health.
6. Papers the Seller Should Furnish:
a. A three- or four-generation pedigree. There should be no charge for this. The pedigree preferably gives the color of the sire and dam, and the AKC registration numbers of each.
b. The "blue-slip" from the AKC, which is an official document identifying your puppy's litter registration number, sex, birth date, sire and dam, and name of the breeder(s). There are two ways to register puppies for the first time with this blue-slip:
(1) Limited Registration: If the puppy is not to be bred and is being purchased as a companion pet, the breeder may check off the Limited Registration option. This does register the puppy with the AKC. However, it does not allow any registration of offspring from the mature dog. The breeder (and only the breeder) can cancel the limited registration should the puppy at maturity be considered of breeding quality.
(2) Full Registration: If the puppy is considered to be of breeding quality, the seller will check off the full registration option.
7. Records the Breeder Should Furnish:
a. Date and type of vaccines given. Depending on the type of vaccination program started, your veterinarian will advise you on following through.
b. Date and agent used for worming, if done. Do not worm your puppy without consulting your veterinarian. Avoid "store-bought" preparations.
c. Diet your puppy has been receiving. It is well to maintain the regimen begun by the breeder, especially while the puppy is adjusting to his new home. If changes are to be made, do so very gradually, so as not to upset his system. When he is an adult it will be wise to maintain your Boxer on two smaller meals a day, and to restrict exercise immediately after eating, so as to lessen the likelihood of bloat (or gastric torsion).